I might be a bit late to posting about my new year’s resolutions, but it’s always a great idea to reflect and set goals for yourself. This sort of thing doesn’t necessarily need to be done in the new year, but it’s always refreshing to start something with a new slate. I’m only writing about these goals now, even though I’ve been thinking about them since the end of last year, because it’s finally time to voice them outside of my own head. I want to be held accountable for myself this year and writing a checklist of my goals and getting it out into the world will hopefully push myself to achieve them!

Achieving my goal weight and dream body

Almost everyone has a health and fitness goal they’d love to achieve. My goal here is to lose some weight and reach around the 60kg mark, while also retaining and building some of my muscle. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat and if I build muscle I won’t be losing “weight” as such, but the 60kg goal is just to give myself a little bit of motivation. I will mainly measure this goal by (literally) measuring my waist, hips etc. It helps here that my partner shares similar fitness goals and has worked hard to achieve his Cert 3 and 4 in fitness. Pro tip: get a fitness buddy to hold you accountable for your goals!

Have an art stall at the Southbank Collective Markets

The remainder of my goals are very creatively oriented. The Southbank Collective Markets are held in the heart of Southbank for three days over the weekend, and stallholders are motivated creatives. To become a stallholder at these markets, you must apply within and be approved by showcasing what your stall will look like and what you’ll sell. Holding a stall for my artworks is something I’ve always been interested in doing (a stepping stone for a life goal to have my own art gallery), but not motivated to actually get done because of how overwhelming it is. By having to try my stall out in other places prior to this big three day event will better prepare me for these markets, and showcase my work with a consistent aesthetic for my brand.

Write the outline for my first novel

I’ve been in a bit of a creative block recently, so trying to find the motivation to write my novel has proven difficult. Setting the bar a little lower than writing the entire book, I hope to write the outline and plan for the book this year. I have a general idea of the events and storyline for my novel, it’s just a matter of getting the ideas out of my head and written down.

Improve on my traditional and digital artwork

This goal is pretty vague, but the way I will measure this goal will be trying my best to draw consistently for a couple of months or so, and then go back and try to redraw something I’ve done previously. This goal is pretty hard to measure (I’d like to think I improve each time I start and finish an artwork), but directly comparing to older artworks should be a good way to measure this. I’ll be holding myself accountable on my social media accounts.

Build my home business

This goal is also relatively vague and hard to measure, since this could mean something different for everyone. At this point in time for me, this means building my home business enough to be earning a certain amount per week. This value will be enough to pay off my debts and hopefully start saving again.

Each of these goals are my overall goals that I’d love to achieve this year. Of course, with each one, I have sub-goals that could be categorized underneath them that will help achieve the overall goal. For example, drawing for half an hour at least 4 times per week can be categorized underneath improving my artwork. I won’t go into detail with those, as they will be predominately measured weekly or monthly.

It’s always good to share your goals with others, so thank you for reading mine. This makes them feel more real, and more likely to be achieved. What are your goals for 2019?

1 Comment

Peter · August 14, 2019 at 10:15 pm

Thought I’d take a look at your site Kayla, I found your suggestions on my logo helpful and while I won’t implement immediately as I have to move foreward. with other things, I’ll definitely look to implement when I get up and running.

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