
KaylaJoy Activewear is an up and coming activewear brand promoting self love and empowerment in women through gorgeous activewear. Below is a portfolio of some initial designs created by KaylaJoy herself.

You can follow KaylaJoy Activewear on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with the launch of new products and to be a part of a supportive community. Feel free to contact KaylaJoy on these pages if you would like to preorder any of these designs prior to launch.

Hi, my name is Kayla Joy and I am here to help women feel confident in themselves to exercise for fun over necessity, and to create a sense of self love and empowerment. 

Like many women would have experienced, I used to have an unhealthy relationship with exercise and also my self image. I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and focused solely on the negatives and neglected anything positive about myself. I was also very reliant on others to hold me accountable for exercising, as I was very intimidated to go to the gym by myself. This was a tough time for me personally, and I was quick to realise the only person who is responsible for the positive changes I needed in my life was me.

I decided to take action and join group classes at the gym and participate in sports that I have always wanted to try but never did due to my insecurities. Since taking this leap of faith I haven’t looked back. I have wildly enjoyed the communities I have become a part of and the confidence I have regained in myself. 

This tough time in my life did give me one gift – I found many communities that I love, and that help me be accountable to myself and my goals. This had ignited excitement in me about exercise, and I found I was focusing less on what I looked like and more on enjoying the physical activity. Now, I am excited about having a great workout, whether it’s at the gym, at home, or participating in sports. I’ve learnt to stay true to myself and be happy in life. 

This is why I have started KaylaJoy Activewear. Combining my passion for illustration and my love for exercise, I want to help other women feel confident enough to tackle their goals and dreams: starting with gorgeous activewear. 

Find your fun.
